Education First Credit Union provides loans every month to members just like you. Our members finance automobiles, boats, recreational vehicles, and more. We also offer various signature products, a competitive credit card program, and a complete line of home loans. Our loan interest rates are reviewed frequently to ensure they are competitively priced. Let Education First Credit Union provide you with financing for your needs!
When borrowing money, you need to understand all your options. You will find that there are many different loans available. Each one is designed for a specific purpose. You'll want to make sure that the loan you're applying for is the one that best matches your particular needs. We will ask you some questions so that we can make the appropriate recommendations to serve your financial best interests.
You'll hear the terms Secured and Personal when shopping for a loan. What do they mean? Which one should you ask for? Which type is best for you? All of these are good questions that we will explain.
We are committed to helping you save money and enjoy financial peace of mind. We will work smartly to find the best options to meet your needs. Please call for an appointment or stop by our branches; we will gladly assist you.

Secured Loans
Lower loan rates with flexible and longer repayment terms for larger purchases such as an auto or home.

Personal Loans
Explore our personal loans, including personal lines of credit, credit cards, signature, home improvement, and private student loans.

Mortgage Loans
Find customized home loan solutions designed by mortgage lenders who understand what best fits your home, life, and budget. We appreciate your interest in our mortgage services. However, it's important to note that our current offerings do not include investment property mortgage loans.

Student Loans
Education First CU has partnered with Student Choice to provide you with the additional funds you need and features you want for undergraduate and graduate student loans.

Payment Protection
Give your family protection from the unexpected with credit disability and credit life insurance that may help to make your loan payments in the event of disability or death.

Loan Rates
Education First Credit Union current loan rates.

Visa Credit Card Options
Choose from a Visa Platinum Credit Card or Rewards First Credit Card!

New and Used Auto Loans (And Other Vehicles)
Getting a great deal on a new or used car is easy if you do your homework.

Home Equity Loans
A home equity loan or line of credit is a great way to pay for life's projects.

Apply For A Loan
Whether you're looking to purchase a new home, buy a car, take advantage of your home's equity, or cover unexpected expenses, our loan options are designed to meet your unique needs.

Welcome Home Program
Welcome Home Grant funds available to qualifying members.